On any pesticide label there can be the words Danger, Warning, Caution, or no signal word at all. Which word appears on the label depends on the level of toxicity.
DANGER: The product is in the high toxicity category by at least one mode of entry: ingested, inhaled, absorbed through skin, or corrosive to skin or eyes. If this is the case, then Poison must also be listed on the label in red letters.
WARNING: The product is in the moderate toxicity category if eaten, inhaled, absorbed through skin, or moderately corrosive to skin or eyes.
CAUTION: The product is in the low toxicity category if eaten, inhaled, absorbed through skin, or slightly corrosive to skin or eyes.
NONE: The only pesticides that do not require a signal word are those that fall into the lowest category of toxicity for all modes of entry. Then a signal word of Caution is optional.
This information is from the National Pesticide Informational Center factsheet. For more information, read the entire factsheet at http://www.npic.orst.edu/factsheets/signalwords.pdf